Tuesday, June 14, 2011

They call me teacher.

So many things have happened in the past few days. We already had a full group on campus, and then 70 more high school and college age kids came on the Restore Retreat. Needless to say, living on campus with around 150 has not been easy. I have a full blown case of Haitian Sensation, and travelling to Tortuga yesterday made me quite ill. However, in the midst of the stress and pain, God has given me such joy from the Haitian people.

I help teach an English class across the street at the church on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Honestly, I think these classes have been my favorite thing about Haiti so far. I've gotten to know many of the students in my class. Some of them are doctors, nurses, teachers, and some of the them just want to learn English before they continue on to University or college. The wonderful thing about it is that they know me when I am walking through St. Louis with my groups. They call to me and wave with the biggest smiles on their face. The best part is... I am here for two more months! I can't even imagine what it will be like to walk out the gates in August. If I had to guess, it will be like home! I'm pretty sure I know more people in St. Louis now then I do my own hometown!

Another amazing part about helping with the class is that this is what I want to do with the rest of my life! Yesterday at class, a bunch of Americans came to see what was going on and to help out. The instructor told all of the Americans to stand up and introduce themselves. When it was my turn, I went to stand up but all of the Haitians told me to sit down. They said, you're Haitian (that got many giggles from me and the other Americans) and we know you already teacher. I am their teacher (kind of). I teach them Bible stories, and how to pronounce "sore throat" and a bunch of other fun things. Never would I thought that I would be welcomed in with such love and excitement! Looks like I can do this as a career after all!

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