Saturday, July 2, 2011

Passion for the Deceived

Let me just begin by saying that this has been the most incredible 5 weeks of my life. I have loved as Jesus called me to, I have learned from the Haitian people and the missionaries here, and I have taught the Haitians some things too.

One of the best things about my job is working with the security and the translators. They have become some of my best friends in the world and I am blessed to have been given the chance to invest in their lives. Most of them are incredible Christ followers, but some also struggle with the strong that Voodoo has in this country. They claim that their is good Voodoo and bad Voodoo and that they are okay because they only participate in the good Voodoo. I found this out in my most recent visit to Ansoleufor. We walked up to the room where they worship a little girl's lost doll, and our security guard started praying quite passionately to the doll. Maybe he was screaming that it was evil and that it had no power, but I sensed some desperation from the man which makes me think that he actually thought this doll could solve his problems. Obviously, I think praying to anyone besides our God, the Almighty is not good. Anyway, they are all awesome and I hope and pray that the ones who are still misguided will see the light and know that Christ is the one sacrifice that we need.

Next I just wanted to apologize that I haven't been writing much. Honestly, there is not a lot of time to breathe around here, let alone blog. But here are some of the things I have been involved with since the last time I wrote:

*I stayed out in Beauchamp for 5 days with two amazing crews! The first couple days were spent working with Eastside from Milford, Ohio. They are AMAZING! They welcomed me into their team and I loved seeing their passion for doing God's work ooze out of them. My last 3 days we spent working with the Southland crew from Lexington, Kentucky. I loved their focus on prayer and how much of an encouragement they were to each other. Both teams worked at the orphanage everyday that weather permitted us to go, and they all did a wonderful job and the kiddies LOVED them so much!
 *I have taken many trips to Tortuga Island in quite a short time! I love it over there because the kids are well-behaved and they are even more chill then on the mainland (and I didn't think Caribbean time could get any relaxed). Plus, it's the pirate capital of the Caribbean....arghhh.
*Ansofleuor is my favorite day trip that we take. It is so dark their because it is the Voodoo capital of the world. Everytime we go, we hike up to the monument where a huge cross once stood. The cross was struck by lightning, broke, and then a doll "fell from the sky." Well, like I said before, they worship this doll. This is such a huge prayer opportunity. These people are blind to the truth that Jesus is the only sacrfice we need and that we should have no other God's besides the awesome one that we serve. I don't think a lot of the groups take this trip seriously enough. We get to walk inside of the temple and stare their "god" in the face and declare that God has supreme power and ask him to fill that place so that there is no room for Voodoo. But I am continually heart broken by the team's lack of passion for fighting Voodoo. We can feed all of the people we want here, but if Voodoo isn't stopped, they will die eternally. We need to start realizing that people are going to Hell everyday and that Jesus gave us the authority to go out and reach all people groups, tongues, and nations. Sorry for my preaching... I am just really passionate about praying against Voodoo, and taking groups there to open up Americans eyes to religion outside of Sunday school.

Anyway, Haiti has definitely made me more open to evangelism and praying with the people I encounter on a regular basis. I love this place.

Please pray for the deceived and that the deceiver would be cast out of this place. Please pray for my fellow interns and all of the staff as we prepare to take in another big group tomorrow. Lastly, please pray for the American's who are coming to Haiti tomorrow. Some have been here before and some are new and about to get the biggest culture shock of their lives. Pray for their hearts and that their eyes would be open to the reality of a strong enemy.

Thanks! I love you all!